1. Be Proactive
Sebarang keputusan untuk diri kita, tiada siapa yang lebih bertanggungjawab menentukannya melainkan diri kita sendiri. So, sila buat keputusan yang tepat. Kebebasan memilih adalah ditangan anda, maka pilihlah dengan tepat jadi proaktif, bukan reaktif!
2. Begin With The End In Mine
Tentukan misi akhir dan gol dalam apa yang kalian nak buat, so usahakan untuk capai gol tersebut. Hidup yang akhirnya akan mati, apa gol kita? Usahakan..
3) Put First Things First
Dengan kuasa kebebasan memilih, kita mampu membentuk penamat yang kita mahukan. Pandai uruskan masa, mulakan dengan yang paling penting, siapkan perkara berdasarkan kepentingan. Yang ada deadline/urgent/important siapkan dulu.
4) Think Win/Win
If you believe in a better way to accomplish goals that's mutually beneficial to all sides, that's a win/win situation. "All parties feel good about the decision and feel committed to the action plan," Covey wrote. "One person's success is not achieved at the expense or exclusion of the success of others." If you have integrity and maturity, there's no reason win/win situations can't happen all the time.
5) Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood
If you're a good listener and you take the time to understand a concept, it will help you convey your opinions, plans and goals to others. It starts with communication and strong listening skills, followed by diagnosing the situation and then communicating your solution to others.
6) Synergize
Synergistic communication, according to Covey, is "opening your mind and heart to new possibilities, new alternatives, new options." This applies to the classroom, the business world and wherever you could apply openness and communication. It's all about building cooperation and trust.
7) Sharpen The Saw
Sometimes you're working so hard on the other six habits that you forget about re-energizing and renewing yourself to sharpen yourself for the tasks in front of you. Some sharpening techniques include exercise and nutrition, reading, planning and writing, service and empathy and commitment, study and meditation.
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